
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Master Bedroom Chair Unveiling....

Hello! The time has finally come to unveil my first REAL re-upholstery project!!
Upon deciding to find and re-vamp a chair instead of buying a new one I was SUPER excited to get started. Upon getting said chair in my garage ready to re-vamp I felt like I had gotten in a little over my head.
I came across this chair at a yard-sale while home visiting my Momma last Oct.. We had already hit up an estate sale and were heading back home and spotted a tee-tiny, little yard sale sign. I'm telling you people...Don't overlook those back out of the way yard sales ( as long as it's safe. ) They are were you will find some of your best treasures. I payed a WHOOPING $3 for this chair! Nothing wrong with it, it was a custom order from a NC furniture manufacturer ( that has sadly since gone under ) and was obviously the right price.


Even Holden thought it was quite the bee's knees :o)

I bought the fabric at Hancock's on sale for $2.00 a yard. I fell in love with it when I saw it. I love toile and it went perfect with our master bedroom redo ideas! As for paint I used Krylon Glossy in Khaki over a coat of Krylon Gray Primer. It took 2 cans to get the finish I wanted especially on the wicker sides. You have to look at them from every angle to make sure they get covered. The cushions were still in great shape so we just ripped and recovered. I say WE because thankfully my wonderful Mother in Law offered to help me with this one :o)
All in all I'm very happy with the outcome but I'm still trying to decide. Do I need some upholstery tacks lining the back? Or maybe a decorative trim? What do you all think?

Total Price of Chair Overhaul
Chair : $3
Fabric : (2 yds at $2 each) $4
 Primer: $3
Paint: $8
Total: $18.00

Adorable, Chessey, Toddler Smiles...FREE.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just can't wait......

While doing a little 'work'  today I stumbled across this adorable fabric at fabricworm.com

Isn't it awesome!!! I mean.....Bugs and Boys just go together and I knew this was destined for a JonJon for Holden. I know..I know...It's a little early to be thinking summer clothes but with the balmy 70 degree days we've been having here you can't help but start to get into the warm weather mind set. Sewing clothing is still a new thing for me but after searching Prudent Baby I found a tutorial that doesn't look so scary. You can find the DIY JonJon instructions HERE.  As long as the first turn out.... well then I'm sure he will have quite a few in his summer wardrobe! Plus with awesome fabrics like this...
or this....
or this...

I'm sure I won't be able to pass up sewing some toddler cuteness for my little dude!

Don't forget to head over to Fabric Worm and check out there selection. I spotted a few things for me as well but I'll save those for another day :o)


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

31 Days to an Organized Home

Organization is not one of my God given talents. I however strive every day to reach an organized point and always end up failing. So when I stumbled across Kelly's blog the other day she made it seem so easy!! Plus with a title like  The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking it seemed right up my "perfectly cluttered, imperfect alley."
So I decided to commit myself to her 31 Days to an Organized Home.

Today is Day 2: An Organized Coat Closet { Day 1 was admitting you have a problem :o) }

And as you can see ours was in major need of cleaning out. Shoes, backpacks, purses, coats, scarves, gloves, toys and a few other things I'm still trying to figure out why they were in there!?
After 45 minutes of cleaning I had started to make some headway. I didn't want to buy anything to organize so I began scouring the house for things I could use.
For the hats, gloves, scarves, etc. I used a wall hanging spice rack I had stored in the craft room and 2 large Command Hooks. Worked perfectly! 
Jackets, coats and rain gear have there own sections in the closet by who they belong too. Purses are organized on the top shelf along with my yoga mat, our outdoor blanket and shopping cart cover. Visible and accessible!

I decided to also utilize all the space I could by hanging seasonal items like my beach bag from the shelf braces. Easy to find yet out of the way leaving room for other items. Shoes go along with the bottom with a small wicker basket for Holden's shoes. I kept it to a minimum storing only a few pairs here. Best part is keeping the shoes to only a few pairs opened up room for my vacuum! Which has been hanging out in the corner of my craft area for a few months now.
And here is my finished product. 

I am super proud! If you don't count the time it took keeping the toddler and the dog out of the closet it probably only took me around 30 minutes to get the finished product. Whoever thought you could feel so productive and reduce so much stress in such a small amount of time!
Kelly has some awesome tips on her site so go check her out and join me later for Day 3!!!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Up and Running.......Kinda

So here it is.......My goal for the future. I'm refusing to call is my New Years Resolution because frankly I always fail at those darn things anyway.
I am taking the leap into the blogging world. To share my love for thrifting, DIY projects, sewing, cooking, life's adventures and all the messes that come along with it.
Biggest hiccup right now is figuring out the mapping of this thing. I see it in my head, I know what I want it to look like but actually getting it there is another story.
I hope you will follow me. I want to share the things I love in my life. Things that bring me joy. In hopes that it will do the same for you.
